Saturday, July 2, 2011

Up North

Chocolate in the shape of a Mer-Lion, the official mascot of Singapore!

My brother got hungry, so we made a platter of on-the-go turkey sandwiches to take to the dinner the others had already cooked

Yummy asian-style veggies

Chicken! It had been bought at a rotisserie along the way, so we didn't do much with it besides shred it up and quickly stir-fry it with some vegetables and a portion served plain

Celery and chicken on the condo hot-plate

A bit of everything on my plate- from some bites of chicken, celery, pork, a slice of sticky rice cake, egg-battered onion, and fennel.

For the Fourth of July weekend this year, my family decided to head up North to a golf & ski resort seemingly situated in the middle of nowhere. My dad just got home from the airport after a week-long business trip in Singapore (which I was excited about because he brought my chocolate in the shape of a merlion!) only about an hour before we left, so he was a hint crabby. We met up with several other families and they cooked up a veritable feast of chinese food in the condo kitchen- eggs fried with unions, pre-steamed pork sticky rice cakes, chicken and celery, chicken broth, shredded spicy pork...
Definitely a great meal to arrive to after a four hour road trip. Even though it's sweltering in he city, up here the weather is actually rather mild and almost cold at night, due to the near distance of the lake.

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